POTD: Condition One On The Chest

Eric B
by Eric B

Imagine a piece of leather so sweet it fits right into TFB’s Photo Of The Day. Well, here it is in the form of the Pathfinder Chest Holster 1911 made by 1791 Gun Leather. It makes me want to casually walk around with my binoculars (although I usually prefer thermal ones), with a 1911 - cocked and locked - in the middle of my chest. Previously I never felt this need, but now I do.

The price is $174.99, which doesn’t seem like a lot of money compared to the cost of food in the USA. That’s like the price of a decent dinner in Las Vegas. 

The holster is said to work with the following models: 1911 4.25", 1911 5", 1911 Commander, 1911 Full Rail, Colt 1911 4", Colt 1911 5", Kimber 1911 4", Kimber 1911 5", Ruger SR1911, Sig Sauer 1911 and the Springfield 1911.

Should you feel the need to know more, check out the Pathfinder product page:


Source: All images from 1791 Gun Leather.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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  • ABerlinkid ABerlinkid 4 days ago

    Last pic - well, hopefully not - pointing right at your femoral artery...

    • David K. David K. 3 days ago

      I get crap for saying the same thing about appendix "practically pointing at your junk" carry.

  • BeoBear BeoBear 4 hours ago

    Would be nice if it had a thumb break that crossed under the hammer. I've never liked this design that requires moving your hand halfway down the holster to pop the strap before returning to the grip of the gun. A thumb break would be faster and safer.
