Long Island Town Council Bans Gun Sales

Zac K
by Zac K

If you live in Babylon Village, NY, and you want to buy a gun, you’d better get your traveling shoes on. Town council in this Long Island municipality has just passed a law that bans gun sales inside its borders. The law appears to cover both business and private sales in the town of 12,000+ residents.

Gun laws @ TFB:

Poorly-worded law

Although we have not been able to find the exact text of the law passed by Babylon Village’s politicos, a post on the Long Island Firearms forum leading up to the late January town council meeting laid out the proposed plan.

The new law on the town’s books first describes what a firearm is, with a section that ends:

Ҥ117-4 Sale of Firearms Prohibited

The sale of firearms, ammunition, fireworks or other explosives as hereinabove defined

within the Village of Babylon is hereby and expressly prohibited.”

Note, again, that there is no differentiation between public or private sales. The only exception stated by the village is a twice-a-year gun show that runs at the American Legion Hall, say local news reports.

Differing opinions

As you can see in the YouTube clip below, some residents are happy with the town council’s laws, with one local saying that due to her son’s murder in Las Vegas, gun laws in Long Island are a good idea.

Deputy Mayor Frank Siebert, a longtime mover and shaker in Babylon’s local politics and non-profits, told the Babylon Beacon that “For safety reasons, I think this is a good policy.”

Firearms-owning locals disagree, believing their Second Amendment rights are being infringed. A post in the NYGuns sub-reddit is already looking to sign people up to a lawsuit, and like other gun control measures we’ve seen passed over the past couple of years, it looks like just one more example of bad law passed that costs gun owners and taxpayers more money to settle in court, when long-established laws should clearly indicate the legislation should not have been passed to start with.

Zac K
Zac K

Professional hoser with fudd-ish leanings.

More by Zac K

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3 of 17 comments
  • Rkc85113136 Rkc85113136 2 days ago

    For years, the antigun crowd has been shrieking that gun shows are the problem, and all firearms sales should occur at a licensed shop. NOW these clowns do a 180. WHAT is WRONG with them?

    • MediumSizeTex MediumSizeTex 2 days ago

      Maybe if they condensed it down to having one legal gun shop in the entire country, that would "do something"?

      ...Y'know, like Mexico has. Along with four times the number of firearm homicides but half the population compared to the USA.

  • "Dear Mayor, City Council, Prosecutors....oh, and their respective bodyguards. Since you have banned gun shops and the sale of arms and ammunition to We, The People, don't be too upset when You, the so-called Elites (laws for thee but not for me), can't find anyone able or willing to sell you guns and ammo for your own protection. Have fun protecting yourself with sticks and stones."
