$599 Tactical .223 AR-mag OR .308 Hunting Lever Action | IWA 2025

James Reeves
by James Reeves

ART Tech is bringing modern lever actions to the next level with their new .223 and .308 rifles showcased at IWA 2025. The .308 model is designed for hunting while the .223 version is a tactical rifle built for modern applications featuring an M-LOK forend, black synthetic furniture, and the ability to accept AR-15 magazines. This rifle blends classic lever-action with modern features, offering a fast cycling alternative to bolt actions while maintaining compatibility with standard AR mags and accessories. With lever actions gaining popularity, this makes sense as a budget option.

Buy the Clothes James is wearing in this video from 5.11 here https://www.511tactical.com/tfb.html


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James Reeves
James Reeves

Owner, Neutral Ground Gun Co. NRA/Louisiana State Police certified concealed weapons instructor, 2012-present Maxim Magazine's MAXIMum Warrior, 2011 TFBTV Executive Producer Champion, Key West Cinco De Mayo Taco Eating Competition Lawyer Instagram: gunshorts Twitter: @jjreeves

More by James Reeves

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  • MediumSizeTex MediumSizeTex 3 days ago

    I'm pretty sure that .308 is illegal in Ohio even in cases of incest or potential death of the mother.

  • Jh Jh 2 days ago

    Yes! More affordable mag fed lever guns in big boy calibers plz.

    • MediumSizeTex MediumSizeTex 2 days ago

      I'm always impressed with all the ways that designers keep managing to put their thumbs directly in the eyes of ban state legislative ninnies so that normal people can still own AR-derived rifles regardless of whatever dimwit anti-AR legislation has been passed this week. No pistol grips? Thumbhole stocks! No thumbhole stocks? STOCK stocks that fit on the pistol grip attachment! No detachable magazines? Pivot pins that require legally disassembling the rifle to change mags, but still only take seconds! No semiauto? LEVER ACTION, BABY!
