[SHOT 2025] Catching Up on IWI’s Masada Slim Commander Elite

Matthew Moss
by Matthew Moss

Sometimes at SHOT Show you see the latest and greatest and sometimes you come across something pretty cool that you missed when it was first released.

Today, at the IWI booth I came across the Masada Slim Commander Elite, which I believe was first announced back in late 2022. My mantra at SHOT Show has always been ‘seek out the new and interesting’ and in this case while the Commander Elite may not be brand new, it is definitely interesting.

The standard Masada is a compact 9mm pistol with a polymer frame. The Commander Elite, however, combines old and new; pairing the Masada’s slide and strike-fired action with the grip profile of a classic 1911.

The 9x19mm Commander Slim uses a Mischief Machine Grip frame made from 7075 aluminum and features G10 grips. It has a 3.4 inch barrel and weighs in at 24.4 oz without magazine and 27.1 oz with an unloaded magazine. It comes with a flush fit 13 round magazine and one 17 round extended magazine.

While the standard Masada feels good in the hand there is something about the classic 1911 grip profile. Additionally, if you wanted to add a touch of additional class you could switch out the factory grip panels for something a little more custom. MSRP on the Masada Slim Commander Elite is $849.99. For me stumbling across the Commander Elite today is a prime example that sometimes at SHOT Show you inevitably miss interesting things, after all at the US' largest firearms expo you're bound to miss something occasionally!

As an extra little titbit, IWI confirmed to us that they have a bolt action rifle in the works and while the couldn't give additional details they did say it is set to be unvieled during the first half of 2025, so we'll keep an eye out for that!

Matthew Moss
Matthew Moss

Managing Editor: TheFirearmBlog.com & Overt Defense.com. Matt is a British historian specialising in small arms development and military history. He has written several books and for a variety of publications in both the US and UK. Matt is also runs The Armourer's Bench, a video series on historically significant small arms. Here on TFB he covers product and current military small arms news. Reach Matt at: matt@thefirearmblog.com

More by Matthew Moss

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2 of 3 comments
  • Hoyden Hoyden on Jan 26, 2025

    Masada Slim, wasn’t he also known as the Tel Aviv Desperado; brought those sheep down from the Golan Heights to West Jerusalem?

  • Brian Brian on Jan 26, 2025

    The Mischief Machine Masada Slim has been my carry gun for 8 months now. Its a great shooter without the metal frame, adding the MM frame makes the gun handle like a much larger gun. Highly underrated setup
