[SHOT 2025] First Look At The REVIVED P7 Squeeze-cocker From P7Pro

Daniel Y
by Daniel Y

The P7 pistol is legendary among true gun lovers. It combines German craftsmanship with a unique operating mechanism and bundles it in a retro-futuristic shell made famous in movies like Die Hard. HK discontinued it some time ago, but P7Pro is bringing it back in an improved form.

SHOT 2025 @ TFB:

HK made various models of the P7, including the P7M8, which held 8 rounds of 9mm, and the much thicker P7M13, which held 13 in a double-stack magazine. The new model from P7Pro uses the magazine of the M13 and has a refined, slim aluminum frame. The resulting gun is less than an inch thick and weighs 20 ounces without a magazine.

P7Pro grew out of the owner Brett’s work making spare parts and rebuilding P7 pistols. He eventually started building complete pistols, and that evolved into improving the design. He already makes versions with features like titanium frames, threaded barrels, optics mounts, and accessory rails. The new P7M13 Slim takes that a step further by reengineering the frame. Not only does it accept the larger magazines and have a reshaped backstrap, but it also puts less heat into the trigger area. This was one of the key weaknesses of the original design, and the new model pushes that heat into the barrel and slide area instead.

First edition versions of the P7M13 Slim are coming at the end of Q1 2025 and will retail for around $3,500. If there is enough demand P7Pro hopes to enter full production to bring that price down. Or, if you prefer a more classic design, you can place an order for an M8 model now with prices starting at $2,500.

Make sure you head over to the TFBtv channel to see the full video with Brett.

Daniel Y
Daniel Y

AKA @fromtheguncounter on Instagram. Gun nerd, reloader, attorney, and mediocre hunter.

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2 of 7 comments
  • Raoul Duke Raoul Duke on Jan 27, 2025

    I'm guessing these pistols took quite a bit of engineering, prototyping and debugging to work well. Ever take the grips off an original P7? It looks like a cuckoo clock in there. If this guy has made a functional product, it took lots time and money, not to mention the costs of acquiring some actual HK parts, as mentioned in the video. I hope he does well with them.

  • Steven murphy Steven murphy on Jan 27, 2025

    I know, I know...its wonderful ,it answers many folks dream of having one...I jumped right on it and was so excited...but it does not follow the current retro trend we have been treated to of late. Browning HiPower,FN: $2000/Clones: $500-600. Colt 1911s/Commanders: $1000's/Clones, forged, milled, $400... P7,HK...thousands/ Retro P7 , (not even really a clone ), thousands! It doesn't put it in more hands, it just opens a different channel of availability to those who already can drop that sort of cash.
