New Vortex Viper Shotgun Enclosed Micro Red Dot Sights

Eric B
by Eric B

I’ve been using red dots on my shotgun for years, and I recommend you look into it as well. I’m a big fan of gadgets and electro-optics, but there are a lot of benefits beyond the sheer interest in technology. It seems Vortex agrees, as their new Viper Shotgun Enclosed Micro Red Dot is designed for turkey hunters, offering a durable and straightforward optic. It mounts directly to various shotguns without the need for plates or adapters - just make sure your shotgun is compatible.

Turkey Hunting @ TFB:

Traditional red dot mounting options for shotguns often require rib mounts or additional hardware. The Viper eliminates that hassle with an integrated mount and universal system, allowing direct installation on drilled and tapped shotguns. This setup provides a natural sight position without affecting cheek weld, making for a more intuitive shooting experience.

Shotgun red dots take a beating in the field, whether you're tracking turkeys or hunting waterfowl in thick cover. The Viper®’s enclosed, low-profile design shields the optic from debris and weather while minimizing snags in dense brush.

The Viper® also offers reticle options to match different hunting needs. Choose between a standard 3 MOA red dot or Vortex®’s multi-reticle system, which provides seven reticle choices. This flexibility allows hunters to switch between setups for turkey, waterfowl, and other hunts with the press of a button.

The use of a multi-reticle is pretty clever. This one is built for the fast pace of turkey hunting and wing shooting, and offers seven reticle options and 12 brightness settings to quickly adapt to diverse shooting situations.

  • 3 MOA DOT - Precise point of aim suited for stationary or slow targets.
  • 32 MOA CIRCLE - Designed to roughly match the pattern of a full choke. Suited for targets at distance.
  • 65 MOA CIRCLE - Designed to roughly match the pattern of a modified choke. Suited for targets at a closer range.

Here are the options, including links and MSRP.

Viper® Shotgun Enclosed Micro Red Dot 3 MOA Dot, MSRP $429.99

Viper® Enclosed Micro Red Dot Multi-Reticle, MSRP $499.99

Vortex Viper Shotgun Red Dot Sights

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Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

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