POTD: 7e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins – Artificial Intelligence

Eric B
by Eric B

The French 7e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins have been playing with Artificial Intelligence, and you’re here to admire and comment on the end result. As far as I know, this is the first time our Photo Of The Day has used AI-generated images. Something tells me it’s not the last time.

Earlier this year, I used AI to create A Poem About The M4 Carbine, and it turned out pretty well I think.

Are these Heckler & Koch rifles correct or not, what do you say? Spot anything else unusual? Take another look at the riflescope in the top image, for instance.

Typically AI image generation starts with collecting and preprocessing a large dataset of images. Afterward, these AI-generated images may go through post-processing steps to refine their quality, such as adjusting colors, adding filters, or enhancing details even more.
Please use the comments section below to tell us what you think. English is fine, you don’t need to use your French.

Image source: French 7e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins.
Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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2 of 17 comments
  • Tyler McIntyre Tyler McIntyre on Nov 02, 2023

    I hope this is actually the last AI image we see in POTD. I don't know why the snail eaters are using AI for their "photos" but I don't think this is a very interesting POTD.

  • Uniform223 Uniform223 on Nov 02, 2023

    Looks like the "AI" has been using alot of data from Escape from Tarkov
