Tela Impex Steel-Cased Ammo Available In USA

Daniel Y
by Daniel Y
Tela Impex Steel-cased Ammo Available In USA

Tela Impex may not be a name you’ve heard previously, but they are the newest provider of steel case rifle ammo for the US market. Their 124-grain 7.62×39 load is available now, and a 60-grain 5.45×39 load is coming soon. Let’s dive into the details of this ammunition.

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Steel-cased ammo is hard to find these days. Sanctions on Russia and a major war in Europe have made it tough to feed an AK. Thankfully, there is a new vendor meeting that demand.

Tela Impex has a factory in Azerbaijan that manufactures the ammo. Their US-based importer, Tela Impex LLC, is located in Florida. They also import Sterling-branded ammunition for pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

TelaAmmo 7.62×39 and 5.45×39 loads have bimetal, magnetic bullet jackets and lacquered cases. The 7.62 option is listed as non-corrosive. Tela Impex shows 7.62×39 in stock and 5.45×39 as coming soon. Atlantic Firearms also has TelaAmmo 7.62 in stock as of writing.

1,000 round case of TelaAmmo 7.6239
TelaAmmo 5.4539 is coming soon.

From the manufacturer:

TELA IMPEX LLC is proud to introduce the new 7.62x39mm round for your rifle! The 7.62x39mm ammunition is made in the state of the art ammunition factory in Azerbaijan, all ammunition made there is to the highest quality standards and uses only the best components available. It’s not our pride. It’s our duty.

So why purchase the TelaAmmo?

The ammo was developed by a team of engineers and ballisticians who had one goal: to create the ultimate ammunition for these classic rifles. During the manufacturing process, we shot over 50,000 rounds on all of our 7.62x39mm platforms to ensure the highest confidence in consistency, performance, and reliability.

All images from Tela Impex

Daniel Y
Daniel Y

AKA @fromtheguncounter on Instagram. Gun nerd, reloader, attorney, and mediocre hunter. Daniel can still be found on occasion behind the counter at a local gun store. When he is not shooting, he enjoys hiking, camping, and rappelling around Utah.

More by Daniel Y

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7 of 38 comments
  • PoormettoStateArmory PoormettoStateArmory on Jul 25, 2023

    If the ammo for your AK isn’t coming from a country most Americans can’t locate on a map, are you even AK’ing right?

    • See 4 previous
    • PoormettoStateArmory PoormettoStateArmory on Jul 26, 2023

      @Uncle Yar Yeah, it was sad what happened to Yugoslavia but they should’ve seen it coming. Combining multiple countries that had hated each other into one country was a crazy idea to begin with, but Tito somehow made it work. But yeah I agree with you, Tito was the only thing holding together the fragile mess that was Yugoslavia. I just wish it didn’t have to end with the historical baggage boiling over into the tragic Yugoslav wars.

  • Ptrog Ptrog on Jul 26, 2023

    its rebranded tula
