Swedish FMV Signs Contract For Small Caliber Ammunition

Eric B
by Eric B
Photo by: FMV/Staffan Ekstrand & Försvarsmakten/Jimmy Croona.

Like many defense material administrations, the Swedish FMV is busy sourcing new firearms and consumables, for future needs. FMV is a governmental agency acting under the Swedish Ministry of Defence. They are responsible for making sure that the Swedish Armed Forces have the equipment and logistic services they need to execute their mission. FMV has now signed a contract to secure small caliber ammunition from the suppliers Nammo Sweden AB and Norma Precision AB, to meet the demand for the Armed Forces’ needs in the years 2024–2025. The total value of the contracts is approximately SEK 2.8 billion (about 268 million USD). The ammunition will be used for handguns, carbines and machine guns – in Sweden’s case that would mainly include 9×19 mm for Glock 17s, 5,56x45mm for the Ak5 (FN FNC variant) and potentially the upcoming Sako carbines, as well as 7,62x51mm for the Ak4 (H&K G3) as well as sniper rifles.

Swedish Armed Forces @ TFB։

Here is the press release in full, which is machine translated from FMV’s Swedish homepage by Google:

FMV has signed a contract for fine caliber ammunition with the suppliers Nammo Sweden AB and Norma Precision AB. The contracts now signed mean that FMV has secured deliveries of fine caliber ammunition for the Armed Forces’ needs in the years 2024–2025. The total value of the contracts is approximately SEK 2.8 billion.

– In our endeavor to create long-term conditions, the contracts with the two suppliers also contain options that can enable deliveries until 2030, says Carl-Axel Blomdahl, head of the department weapons and protection, FMV.

The contracts also contain requirements for security of supply, where the supplier undertakes to develop a security of supply plan with the aim of ensuring supplies to the Armed Forces during all levels of readiness, peace, crisis and war.

– It is of course very nice to be able to sign this type of contract with several suppliers in the same area. Achieving a long-term perspective creates good production conditions, and several suppliers contribute in themselves to increased security of supply, says Carl-Axel Blomdahl.

Original source: FMV and Instagram.

Photo by: FMV/Staffan Ekstrand & Försvarsmakten/Jimmy Croona.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

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