Grenade Launcher Order to be Fulfilled by LMT for US Army

Luke C.
by Luke C.
Grenade Launcher Order to be Fulfilled by LMT for US. Army

This week it was announced that LMT Defense had gained a contract from the United States Army for $17,031,520 firm fixed price for a new production run of the M203/M203A2 40MM Grenade launcher. The order is estimated to be complete by September of 2025. The full press release from LMT Defense can be found below.

an M203A2 Grenade Launcher

Grenade Launcher Order to be Fulfilled by LMT for US. Army

LMT Defense Wins U.S. Army Contract to Produce Grenade Launchers

LMT Defense, America’s premier weapons manufacturer, is pleased to announce that they have been selected to provide grenade launchers to the U.S. Army. Official Announcement

The $17,031,520.00 award is a firm-fixed-price contract to order M203/M203A2 grenade launchers and spare parts. The estimated completion date is Sept. 18, 2025. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Detroit Arsenal, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-20-D-0107).

Karl Lewis, President and CEO of LMT Defense stated, “LMT Defense is very proud to provide the U.S. Army M203/M203A2 grenade launchers. Enhancing mission effectiveness for our soldiers on the battlefield is our number one priority.” Lewis added, “LMT has made over 15,000 grenade launchers in the last 10 years. We have supported many allied nations, law enforcement, the U.S. Navy, and several other U.S. federal agencies. Every component of the grenade launcher will be manufactured at our 80,000 square foot facility in Eldridge, IA.”

More About LMT. For over 40 years, Lewis Machine and Tool (LMT) has been a pioneer in the firearms industry. LMT is known for inventing, engineering, and manufacturing premium firearms, OEM parts, and related items in the heartland of the United States. LMT focuses on system accuracy, reliability, and products that will exceed the abuse of combat. Professionals choose LMT “because failure is NOT an option!” For more information visit LMT or call the sales department at 309-732-9527.

A Newer M320 Grenade Launcher

A personal Army contact of mine has said that he doesn’t quite recognize the need for any “new” grenade launchers as most of the Army’s inventory is full of the new M320 Grenade launcher which is still in use today. Whether contact is simply to procure new M203s to replace damaged or worn field units or if this is simply a budgetary maneuver in response to a “use it or lose it” budget rule remains to be seen. It may also be a Foreign Military Sales contract to provide US allies with new M203s.

Grenade Launcher Order to be Fulfilled by LMT for US. Army
Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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  • Geoff Timm Geoff Timm on Oct 07, 2020

    Back in 1972, I was told in 45B20 Small Arms Repairman training, at Aberdeen Proving Ground, that we would skip over the M203, because it was a temporary expedient soon to be replaced. Forty-eight years later the US Army is buying $17 millions worth. Geoff Who is somehow not surprised.

  • JS JS on Oct 13, 2020

    Is the Army contract for the M-4 mounted version only, or are the standalone versions going to be fielded as well?
