HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? 24K Magic or Fool's Gold?
Welcome everyone to the tenth edition of ‘Hot Gat or Fudd Crap?’, one of our many series here on TFB. If you missed any one of our other articles, this is where we look at the most obscure firearms that are actually for sale and ask the question – is this gat a sweet deal or only have fudd appeal? Each week the TFB staff weighs in with their thoughts, but readers get the final say in the poll at the bottom of each article.
In our last edition, our poll showed that you, the readers, found the All American Mossberg Shockwave to be a Hot Gat. This might be one of the closest votes we’ve seen in the series thus far.
Unfortunately, this narrow victory wasn’t enough for someone to purchase this one of a kind Mossberg Shockwave. It appears the seller has either changed their mind or perhaps they decided to keep this Hot Gat for themselves.
In this week’s edition, we look at what might be the most overly engraved revolvers ever created. As always, this gun is currently up for sale on GunBroker for $2,500 Buy It Now.
HOT GAT OR FUDD CRAP? 24K Magic or fool’s gold?
Let’s see what the Staff had to say about this week’s offering:
“I was asked to comment on this revolver, but sometimes silence is Golden.” – Eric B.
“Also on sale for $29.99 at “Things Remembered” in the mall.” – Pete
“This guy gets a D+ in Pimp-gat Design 201. A for the gold, B+ for the engraving, but c’mon Wyatt Earp, everyone knows that this decorative gilded filigree demands mother of pearl stocks. F minus on grippery. Even cocobolo would have resulted in a pass.” – James Reeves
“Retirement gift? Better than a carriage clock I guess” – Matt M.
“Stolen jewelry meets stolen purse gun.” – Mike R.
Selling this overly engraved golden gun is flanneryengraving, located in Union, Kentucky. Let’s see what they had to say about this particular gilded snubnose Smith & Wesson.
OPEN TO OFFERS MESSAGE US WITH OFFERS NOTE: . INTEREST FREE LAYAWAY UP TO 90 DAYS AVAILABLE ON ASKING PRICE UPON REQUEST BEFORE SALE IS COMPLETED. Selling a Beautiful S&W model 36 no dash pin barrel in 38spl. It has been engraved in extra full coverage in American scroll by Jeff Flannery of Flannery Engraving Company. The gun has a 24K Gold plated finish and a very nice set of stag grips. The gun comes with a soft case and a cert of engraving. If you have any questions please let us know. WE ACCEPT MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WITH A 3% PROCESSING FEE ON THE FINAL SALE PRICE NOT INCLUDING THE SHIPPING COST. CREDIT CARD PAYMENT MUST CONTACT OUR SHOP DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS 9AM-5PM MONDAY-FRIDAY AND WITHIN 5 DAYS OF THE AUCTION COMPLETION. Ask us about engraving services on your gun.
At a certain point in your life, you probably have thought about something you’ve done and said, “I wonder how much time and/or money I’ve spent on that?” This is certainly the first thing that comes to mind when I look at this Model 36.
The engraving alone isn’t what makes this gun a strange piece. As James pointed out, the choice of grips for this handgun just doesn’t seem to make any sense. It seems like a last ditch effort to make this gun somehow even more over the top.
Like similar guns in this series, it looks like this gun was made for a specific customer who decided to part ways with the firearm. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say the gun was built for a hunter or someone that had a real fondness for those particular grips.
There is no shortage of gold or engraving on any part of this Model 36. It appears that even the inside of the barrel is now gold plated. All of this wouldn’t be complete without some totally unnecessary engraving on literally every single part of the barrel assembly.
Once you get past the looks, there are some additional hidden gems on this Model 36. As the description indicates, this gun is no dash and non-pinned. A ‘no dash’ Smith & Wesson revolver means that it was the first iteration possible of a particular model.
In 1982, Smith & Wesson stopped recessing the cylinders and pinning the barrels on the Model 36. This process was costly and unnecessary. New pressed in barrels paired with advancements in ammunition rims meant that these old processes were no longer needed.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand guns like this Model 36. Everything from the engraving to the grips just seems a little too over the top. Pair all of that with that fact that this is DEFINITELY a safe queen, and this gun needs a very particular owner.
So what do you think? Is this a 24K revolver a Hot Gat or just foolish Fudd Crap? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to cast your vote and let us know if this 24K Magic or Fool’s Gold Model 36 is Hot Gat or Fudd Crap:
The author is a military contractor who enjoys conducting independent firearms research and reloading. Article inquiries and suggestions are welcome at austinjrex at
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Golden guns are for tasteless dictators and Bond villians.
The engraving is nice, the gold finish is awful. I like stag grips, but these fit horribly and if shot (this one doesn't appear to have been) I can imagine quite a bit of pain from the back of the panels eating into your hand. Biggest drawback I see to this gun is the finish. If it was blued with a nice fitting set of grips (even stag) then this would be a classy piece.
-Oh, and the barrels aren't pressed in on modern S&W's, they simply have a crush fit rather than the earlier pinned ones - they are still very much threaded on.