Gun Review: LMT M203 Grenade Launcher

Alex C.
by Alex C.

Did you know that it is legal to own a grenade launcher? Yeah, that is pretty awesome. By the letter of the law you can also possess live HE grenades, but acquiring them is incredibly difficult. However a smattering of other rounds are available if you want to experience the joy of an M203 without the strict storage requirements and high cost of 40mm HE. Surplus practice grenades are affordable and can be reloaded with .38 special blanks too!

My Friend CJ asked if I could get him an M203, and after a few emails back and forth from LMT that became a reality.

After the form went through, I attached the launcher on my M16A1 and it looks menacing:

The button on the launcher’s port side opens the tube:

I must say the quality of the LMT launchers are exquisite:

This video is of the launcher’s maiden voyage:

Some important points on the LMT M203:

  • The launcher worked very well, and we all got progressively better with it. I think if each of us had a case of 25 we would have gotten extremely proficient.
  • The trigger is about the same as a stock AR15 trigger.
  • Installing the launcher takes about 10-15 minutes.
  • Recoil is no worse than a 12 gauge O/U shotgun.
  • The fun factor is very high, especially when you see the large cloud or orange smoke rise!

All in all we had a great time with the LMT M203 and I would highly recommend one to anyone in the market for a 40mm grenade launcher however small that pool of people may be.

Alex C.
Alex C.

Alex is a Senior Writer for The Firearm Blog and Director of TFBTV.

More by Alex C.

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4 of 26 comments
  • Jack Mahoghof Jack Mahoghof on Dec 25, 2014

    How much was the 203 itself?

    • See 1 previous
    • $133808459 $133808459 on Dec 29, 2014

      @Jack Mahoghof LMT's Retail pricing for 2014 puts just the standard launcher (not including the sights, handguards, mounting kit, ect.) at $1500. One would be well over $2000 into a 40mm launcher after stamps and accessories. Then you have the ammo on top of that at about $8 per round.

  • It is also legal to purchase an LMT M203 WITHOUT the barrel as a regular Title 1 non-nfa firearm that does not require the tax stamp. Then you can purchase a 37mm barrel and shoot it legally in most states, including California without tax stamps.
